2018 Yearbook

100 PARTNERS PROGRAM WHAT IS THE PARTNERS PROGRAM? The Partners Program is a fantastic way for individuals to support the IGA Foundation annually. Contributors receive a fulfillment package based on their level of support. The donation is deposited directly into the general fund - supporting all of the IGAF’s activities! The individuals below were part of the Partners Program in 2018 and/ or contributed directly to one of the IGAF’s programs like the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame, Book Project, Herman Sani and Ann Griffel Scholarship funds, Turf & Environmental Research or Junior Golf and Player Development. Geiger Jr, Waldo Hart, Murray Hickory Golf Association Iogha, Patty Kroemer, D’Anne Lester, Bob McCarty Judith Purcell, Mike Reinertsen, Peter & Cindy Specht, Richard Tank, Bill Weresh, Matt McEowen, Kelsey $100-250 Holck, Curtis Becker, Kevin Keane, Steven & Mary Gundlach, Timothy Jones, Dr. Allen Smith, Jeff and Lori Ekland, David Grinaldi, Jim Samuelson, Brenda Williams, Colin Palmer, Ned Athas, Harry Harris, Scott Watt, Steve Buerman, Brian Pape, Mike Gambaiana, Mark Billmeyer, Sam Heidemann, Sandy Taylor, Tim Schall, Flo Faidley, Jamie McMurray, Rich Neill, Kevin & Kelly Rose, Bob Turner, George $250-$500 Whitlatch, Dennis Samuelson, Shelly & Denny Gregory, Brad & Sara Kiss, Jon Sewright, Jan Spray, Steve Christensen, Tom & Laura Fredericks, Marty Goeser, Jay Livengood, Chris Peters, John van Buskirk, Ronald Zylstra, Theodore Hingtgen, Todd Bjorklund, Jason & Casey Burton, Andy & Sheila Ellis, Gary $4,000 + Carney, Jim Matovina, John Kenneth K. Kinsey Family Fdn $2,000-4,000 LaRocca, Leighann $1,000-$2,000 Taylor, Charlie Manske, Bill McCoy Family Fund - CFGD Blackwood, Jill & Tom Pitts, Chad & Kristie Jermier, Steve Mumma, Michael Sapp, Todd Willmore, John Foster, Rodney & Heidi Iowa GCSA Stark, Richard Studer, Randy $500-$1,000 Dunn, Nathaniel Kvidera, Jared Dickens, Bill Northwest Amateur McMurray, Rich