2018 Yearbook

21 Iowa Cup Matches Spirit Hollow GC, Burlington May 2-3 The Iowa Section PGA team won all three sessions on their way to dominate performance at the 2018 Iowa Cup Matches, held at Spirit Hollow Golf Course. The win gave the PGA their third straight vic- tory in the matches. The PGA squad got off to a great start, winning the Four-Ball session 7 to 3, then capturing the Foursomes (alternate shot) in the afternoon of day one 6.5 to 3.5. That gave them a commanding seven point lead heading into the final day singles matches. Those singles matches proved to be the most competi- tive, as the PGA team earned 10.5 of the 20 points available, edging the IGA team by a single point. The IGA was led by stalwart Gene Elliott, who won all three possible points. Dusty Drenth also won all of his points (2), but he was unable to partici- pate in the Singles session due to a work commitment. Honorary Captain Jim Becker stepped in for Dusty and took opponent Stephen Hutton to the 18th hole, before bowing out 2 down. Other key contributors included Trent Lin- denman and Logan Schweinefus, who each earned two points. Lindenman did not lose during the event, winning his singles match and posted a half point in the Four-Ball (with Ethan Mechling) and a half point in the Foursomes (with Bret Taylor). Schweinefus also won his singles match and then partnered with Drenth to win the full point in Foursomes. On the PGA side, three players earned all three possible points, Judd Gibb, Matt Erger and Bryan Luedtke. Becker, who is from nearby Mt. Pleasant and served a stint on the IGA Board of Directors, was chosen to be the Honorary Captain due to his terrific work with juniors in the Mt. Pleasant area, as well as his volunteer service to the IGA. Bob Moreland, who was the long-time PGA Professional at Ottumwa Country Club, served as the Honorary Captain for the PGA section. Moreland was inducted into the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame in 2006. 2018 marked the 51st playing of the Iowa Cup Matches and, as you would expect, the format has un- dergone changes over the years. 2019 will see another change as the event will shift from the spring date it has held for quite some time to a fall date. Crow Valley Golf Club in Davenport will host in late September. The format of the actual matches will remain the same, with Four-Ball and Foursomes being contested on day one and Singles matches taking place on day two. However, due to the shift to the fall date, the teams will be determined using the current year points standings, up to a certain date. Iowa PGA Rolls to Iowa Cup Win Honorary Captains: Iowa PGA’s (L) Bob Moreland and IGA’s Jim Becker