2018 Yearbook

82 Senior Women’s Player of the Year Robin Webb Iowa Senior Women’s Amateur Iowa Women’s Amateur - Open Division IGA Women’s Club Team 2nd Finishes Robin Webb Rose Kubesheski Margene Grady Janece Schwartzkopf Nancy Olberding Kathy Fortune Laura Leszczynski Beth Duenow Michelle Klein Carroll Dethrow Jeanette Fredericksen Janis Owens Kim Fensterman Ila Gilbert Mary Sauter 530 525 515 510 460 415 400 375 367.5 325 222.5 210 200 195 172.5 Senior Women’s Standings 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 In one of the closest Senior Women’s Player of the Year races on record, Robin Webb nudged four-time winner Rose Kubesheski by 5 points to win for the first time. Webb won the Open Division of the 94th Iowa Women’s Amateur, was runner-up at the 53rd Iowa Senior Women’s Amateur Champion- ship and finished third overall as an individual at the 57th IGA Women’s Club Team. Webb has come close to winning this award before. She finished second in the standings in 2015 and third in 2016. Now she adds the win. Kubesheski won the 8th IGA Women’s Four- Ball Championship (Senior Division) with partner Margene Grady, finished 3rd in the 53rd Iowa Senior Women’s Amateur Championship and finished 6th in the Open Division of the 94th Iowa Women’s Amateur. The top five in the standings also included Grady (3rd), Janece Schwartzkopf (4th) and Nancy Olberding (5th). 1st 3rd Robin Webb accepts her award at the banquet in December