2018 Yearbook

98 COLLEGE SCHOLARSHIPS HERMAN SANI |ANN GRIFFEL SCHOLARSHIPS The IGA Foundation administers two college scholarship programs that annually benefit graduating se- niors from Iowa high schools. The Herman Sani Scholarship Program is a four-year scholarship awarded to outstanding graduating seniors who have excelled in academics, community service, and have been involved with golf. Each re- cipient receives $8,000 ($2,000 per year) over a conse utive four-ye r period. Since 1950, 178 Iowa students have been awarded Sani Scholarships. The IGAF awards $2,000 Ann Griffel Scholarships to Iowa high school senior girls who intend to further their education at an Iowa institution of higher learning, whether a college, university, or trade school. Since 1963, 238 students have received assistance. SCHOLARSHIP FUNDRAISER 2018 Sani Scholars - (from left) -Somer Sinnard, Mia Hoo- geveen, Ryan Fedders and Lucas Scherf. 2018 Griffel Scholars - (from left) Molly Carey, Casey Noble and Alisha Ford. Not pictured - Robyn Still- munkes and Bailee Frayne The biennial Griffel-Sani Scholarship Benefit Tournament was held at Echo Valley CC, September 17th. This event supports the IGAF and helps aug- ment scholarship fund-raising efforts. It also brings supporters together for a fun golf outing with an opportunity to meet and play with current and past scholarship winners. This year’s event raised over $5,000 for the IGAF. If you would like to donate specificially to the scholarship fund please call