Benefits of IGA Membership Booklet

The Iowa Golf Association is licensed by the USGA as the only Authorized Golf Association in Iowa for the administration of the USGA Handicap System TM . We are always available to educate handicap committees at our member clubs so that they may in turn educate the golfers at those clubs. We also ensure the integrity of the Handicap System TM in the following ways: SEASON & REVISION SCHEDULE The IGA is responsible for setting the dates for the beginning and end of the “score posting season”. Our season is currently April 1st - November 14th. HANDICAP CERTIFICATION The IGA conducts Handicap Certification Seminars for clubs. PUBLICATIONS Distribution to member clubs of Handicap System manuals, posters and guidelines to assist the club handicap committee conduct its business. Course Rating is an important service provided by the IGA to our Member Clubs. The Course Rating System and its trademarks are owned by the United State Golf Association and is licensed to golf associations throughout the world, creating a system that is uniform. Course Rating activities are administered by trained volunteers who attend seminars and then work as teams visiting and rating golf courses throughout the state. The IGA has five independent, qualified rating teams representing their various parts of the state. WE ARE LICENSED BY THE USGA to implement the USGA Course Rating System TM which is the foundation for the Handicap System and the calculation of official USGA Handicap Indexes TM . VOLUNTEERS The IGA staff recruits, trains and maintains a network of Course Rating volunteers who are formed into teams to handle the rating process statewide. Representatives of the IGA are required to attend National Course Rating Calibartion Seminars every four years to assure that Iowa raters are following the same procedures as raters from all over the world. DATABASE MAINTENANCE All ratings must be entered into a computer and the results are compiled and sent to the clubs. The IGAmaintains the database information for all Iowa courses and updates this information regularly for inclusion in the national database. HANDICAP ADMINISTRATION COURSE RATING 6 | BENEFITS OF MEMBERSHIP