2019 Yearbook.indd

10 | Beginning on Jan. 1, 2020, the World Handicap System (WHS) will bring six different handicap systems together into a single set of Rules for Handicapping, enabling golfers of different abili- ties to play and compete on a fair and equal basis, no matter how or where they play. While the six existing handicap systems have generally worked very well locally, on a global basis, their different characteristics have sometimes resulted in inconsistency, with players of the same ability ending up with slightly different handicaps. This has sometimes resulted in unnec- essary difficulties and challenges for golfers competing in handicap events or for tournament administrators. A single WHS will pave the way to consistency and portability. Course Rating and Slope Rating – Worldwide consistency and portability Basis of Handicap Calculation – More responsive to good scores that better represent a player’s potential ability Abnormal Course and Weather Conditions Adjustment – Measurement of performance in all conditions Minimal Number of Scores to Obtain a Handicap – Inclusive and accessible Acceptable Scores for Handicap Purposes – Modern and adaptable, providing plenty of evidence of a player's potential ability Maximum Hole Score of Net Double Bogey – Handicap controls aimed at fairness and equity for all golfers Highlights of the World Handicap System © 2018R&ARulesLimitedand theUnitedStatesGolfAssociation.All rights reserved These are some of the key features of the new system, supporting enjoyment of the game for golfers everywhere. Playing Handicap – Calculate handicap to play chosen format Under the new system, golfers can simply play and enjoy their round – just the same as always Player Submits Score – Immediately allowing for real-time updates