2019 Yearbook.indd

8 | RULES & COMPETITIONS A s Committee Chair I can say 2019 was probably one of the most rewarding years I have experienced as a member of the Iowa Golf Association. We have a lot to be proud of and the support we continue to receive from our friends across the state is remarkable. Our year began with the implementation of the new Rules of Golf on January 1, 2019. This update is the most significant the rules have seen in the last 60 years. Despite initial hesitations from a few players on tour, it turned out to be a far-reaching success. Statewide, the reception was even more positive and I credit that to the numerous rules seminars the IGA held across the state. These seminars were attended by nearly 1,500 people, many of which were interacting with the IGA for the very first time. Following that we enlarged our tournament schedule this year with the addition of the IGA Women’s Mid- Am Series. These new events were held on Saturdays and featured three distinct formats of play. We thank those member clubs that helped launch the series and made the experiences fun for all. I was extremely excited, like many of you, when I first learned that our state would be hosting the 58th U.S. Senior Women’s Amateur. I knew that Iowa would be a gracious host and welcome the USGA and all of the contestants with open arms. This is only the third USGA Championship to have been played in Iowa and first women’s championship. That goes to show what a historic moment this was for Iowa. Lara Tennant who is a mother of five from Portland, Oregon successfully defended her title. She made history by becoming the 9th player to win back-to- back U.S. Senior Women’s Amateur titles. They did a marvelous job and our hats go off to them as well as all the volunteers who made it possible. The IGA was heavily involved in the event and was honored to work side by side with USGA staff. We were told by many players that they were thrilled to be competing in Iowa and the course was magnificent. I believe we owe Cedar Rapids Country Club and the surrounding community a round of applause for doing such a marvelous job showcasing to the world what a charming place Iowa is. I want to extend my congratulations to our 2019 Players of the Year. We are always privileged to see such great golf played amongst our top players in the state. It is a joy to be able to recognize these individuals at the conclusion of each season. Looking ahead, you can expect to see changes with the current Player of the Year points system for the 2020 season. The Rules & Competitions Committee set out with a plan to restructure and simplify the current system and I am confident we have done so. I look forward to seeing you on the course in 2020. I am sure you will appreciate the outstanding list of championship venues to come. Please be sure to sign up this March! TOM CHRISTENSEN, COMMITTEE CHAIR