2019 Yearbook.indd

| 91 IOWA GOLF ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION FINANCIAL REPORT Statement of Activities and Financial Position Unrestricted Funds IGA Foundation Jan - Dec 19 Jan - Dec 18 SUPPORT AND REVENUE Jim Carney Challenge IGAF Donation - Misc IGAF Interest Income Partners Program Income Youth on Course Donation 2,734.65 Iowa Golf Hall of Fame and Museum Hall of Fame Donations Permanent Trophy Project Book - Iowa Golf History Yourth on Course Yearly Memberships 8,325.50 0.00 22.66 30,594.50 9,828.00 2,400.00 100.00 17,419.88 24,938.48 17,018.34 1,791.50 1,259.25 29.92 28,742.25 3,358.75 1,455.00 Ann Griffel Scholarship Grants & Expense 1,510.00 0.00 1,950.00 6,728.80 4,215.49 15,755.07 24,411.95 148,785.53 Ann Griffel Scholarship Fund Herman Sani Scholarship Fund Total Income Hall of Fame and Museum - Total 86,433.37 EXPENSES Partners Program & Donor Gifts Iowa Golf Hall of Fame & Museum Expense Herman Sani Scholarship Grants & Expense 5,204.90 36,429.41 38,116.95 10,631.67 2,500.00 3,000.00 17,444.09 440.00 Junior Golf Support Grants Environmental and Turf Research Grants Management and Operations Expense Depreciation & Amortization 3,000.00 6,537.81 15,463.24 33,991.57 10,649.34 2,150.00 Griffel Unrealized Gains (Losses) 10,331.66 579.38 16,796.42 0.00 Total Expenses 114,784.79 95,252.32 EQUITY Total Liabilities Sani Unrealized Gains (Losses) Unrestricted Net Assets Net Income END OF YEAR 914.71 5,435.11 470,286.20 -8,818.95 468,396.45 47,745.08 461,467.25 34,000.74 553,676.42 131.69