2020 IGA Yearbook

COMMUNICATIONS T he Iowa Golf Association kept quite busy in 2020 with its normal communication to members, clubs and those around the state keeping an eye on the latest from the game of golf. It goes without saying the IGA added an additional level of communication with updates on the COVID-19 pandemic and how it was impacting those in the game of golf around the state. The IGA worked closely and communicated with local and state leaders to do its best to keep everyone up to date on guidelines, recommendations and other key information that allowed golf courses to remain open for business as best and as safely as they could. In 2020 the IGA website continued to be the ‘go-to’ place for information on the game of golf in the state of Iowa. From live scoring at championships, feature articles, IGA Foundation news, the aforementioned COVID-19 updates and much more those from around the state and nationally looked to iowagolf. org to stay informed. The website saw over 202,000 visits and over 500,000 pageviews this past year. If you haven’t taken a look around the website be sure to do that today! Social Media is another tool the IGA takes advantage of to communicate, interact and get information out to those seeking it. The IGA’s Facebook page currently has over 2,500 followers checking in from around the world. On Twitter, the IGA has just shy of 3,000 followers. Drop by our Facebook page and Twitter feed and follow us – We don’t want you missing out on anything important! Are you sitting down? The IGA is excited to share that the GHIN mobile app, redeveloped in 2020, saw over 1 million (yes, million!) visits. With golf being one outlet many looked to in 2020, the number of scores posted via the app more than doubled this past year, with over 50,000 posted each in May, June and July alone. As the IGA has shared, the ‘new’ app features more capabilities than the previous version and coincides with the launch of the World Handicap System. As you might recall, on Jan. 1, 2020, the World Handicap System (WHS) brought six different handicap systems together into a single set of Rules for Handicapping, enabling golfers of different abilities to play and compete on a fair and equal basis, no matter how or where they play. The IGA Communications Committee was again honored in 2020 to recommend the following recipients of IGA Annual Awards in the six different categories to the IGA Board of Directors, which were approved in October. Those included the following: 9-Hole Superintendent: Jeremy Amosson, Veterans Memorial Golf Club 18-Hole Superintendent: Caleb Swanson, Briarwood Golf Club 9-Hole Course of the Year: Hillcrest Country Club 18-Hole Course of the Year: Hyperion Field Club PGA Pro of the Year: Adam Coates, Spencer Golf & Country Club Club Manager of the Year: Sheryl Dusenberry, Atlantic Golf & Country Club TOM NEWBANKS, COMMITTEE CHAIR