2020 IGA Yearbook

FROM THE PRESIDENT P art of the mission of the Iowa Golf Association is to “preserve, protect and promote the game of golf for the benefit of all that play the game in Iowa”. The past year challenged us in ways few would have imagined a year ago. It also gave many of us a much stronger appreciation of the benefits our game provides. While our story of 2020 is one of facing and overcoming challenges it cannot be forgotten for many, it has been one of pain and sorrow due to the suffering and loss of family and friends. The reality of COVID-19 struck swiftly. At the Iowa Golf Summit on March 1 & 2 national speakers from the USGA, PGA of America, and CGSAA spoke about the current and future state of the game. None commented on COVID-19. Two weeks later our world changed and we would need to adapt. Our staff quickly began to adjust to the new- normal with changes to remote work, review and modification of our tournament procedures, course rating, seminars, and handicap programs. Through the Iowa Golf Council we were able to speak with a common voice and deliver a coherent message to help our leaders and regulators understand the unique character and value of golf to our community. In early April, the United States Golf Association announced a financial package for allied golf associations. During this time of uncertainty on many fronts this safety net allowed us to go forward without resorting to curtailment of programs and services as we approached the golf season. Golf may never justify the cliché “a game for a lifetime” as it did in 2020. Our worst fears in March and April proved to be unfounded. Instead we saw exceptional participation, demonstrating golf could be played as a responsible way to temporarily relieve the constraints of life during a pandemic. From elite competitors to avid recreational golfers, from those who took up golf when balls were balata and those who just started there was more golf played in 2020 than for many years. We delayed our first event until the Senior Match Play in late May. From then we implemented a compressed but complete schedule of IGA events. BILL EBY, IGA PRESIDENT wearegolf.org/back2golf Do yourpart toget SOCIAL DISTANCING GUIDELINES 9. REMEMBER towash your hands after playing. 8. RESPECT the game and all involved. 3. AVOID large gatherings on the first tee, driving range or after the round. 2. STAY HOME if you have a fever or feel sick. 1. ALWAYS stay six feet apart from others. 4. If in doubt... DON’T TOUCH IT. 5. ALWAYS mark your ball clearly. 6. WEAR a facial covering when taking a lesson. 7. AVOID handshakes and high-fives. 6 feet