2021 IGA Yearbook

FINANCIAL REPORT 2021 8:16 PM 2/7/22 2021 2020 SUPPORT AND REVENUE Unrestricted Funds Donations 17,327 $ 12,839 $ Youth on CourseDonations and Memberships 17,973 14,691 Partners Program (net of expenses) 27,174 24,472 Iowa Golf Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Donations 9,364 925 Iowa Golf History Book Sales and Donations 2,701 8,773 Golf House Iowa Donations 817,884 - Herman Sani and Ann Griffel Scholarship Donations 27,586 19,390 Scholarship Fundraising Events (net of expenses) 1,500 - Interest, Dividends and Realized Gains 44,598 17,506 966,107 98,596 EXPENSES Youth on Course 8,633 3,854 Iowa Golf Hall of Fame 9,384 1,290 Iowa Golf History Book 602 3,141 Golf House Iowa 6,629 4,500 Herman Sani Scholarship Grants and Expenses 32,171 32,312 Ann Griffel Scholarship Grants and Expenses 10,214 10,440 Junior Golf Support Grants 3,000 4,000 Environmental and Turf Research Grants 4,000 4,000 Management and Operations Expenses 18,091 18,223 Investment Management Fees 2,850 2,423 95,574 84,183 REVENUE less EXPENSES 870,533 $ 14,413 $ ASSETS Scholarship Funds - Community Foundation of Greater DesMoines 578,604 $ 532,543 $ Checking and Savings Bank Accounts 908,038 73,621 Book Inventory 11,862 12,251 Other Assets 9,775 2,286 1,508,279 $ 620,701 $ NET ASSETS / FUND BALANCES Beginning of the Year 620,145 $ 566,675 $ Revenue less Expenses 870,533 14,413 Increase in Net Unrealized Gains on Investments 17,583 39,057 End of the Year 1,508,261 $ 620,145 $ IGA Foundation Statement of Activities and Financial Position