2021 IGA Yearbook

HANDICAPPING & COURSE RATING W hat we’ve learned over the past two years is golf has proven to be a safe outlet for many to escape the stresses of the pandemic. We’re inching a little closer to “normal golf ” and have experienced a significant surge in participation for the second year in a row. As an association, in 2020 we saw a 7% growth in individual members. In 2021 it increased again but this time by 11% to 23,457! Our junior memberships have almost doubled, due in large part to the Youth on Course program, and rounds posted have continued to climb. We're also happy to report that 12 new clubs joined the IGA family in 2021, netting out at 208 total. With almost 400 clubs throughout the state, we're always thrilled to add a new member and share our many benefits. Before I jump into the details, I need to take a moment to thank all of the PGA Professionals, Superintendents, General Managers, and facility staff for the sacrifices they've made to keep golf going (and thriving) during this pandemic. Maintaining a golf course with limited staffing during the biggest golf boom in centuries is beyond commendable. For some, working from sun up to BILL EBY, COMMITTEE CHAIR