2021 IGA Yearbook

what Iowa experienced in 2021: 469: The number of times a course was impacted by PCC. 8,317 rounds adjusted: The number of score differentials impacted by a PCC adjustment. 10 courses: The largest number of courses impacted by the PCC on a single day. The day was Saturday, May 1, 2021. Weather history shows we experienced a high temperature of 87 degrees, but wind gusts over 25 mph for most of the day (not all of us are blessed with a Tiger Woods “stinger” shot in the bag). +1 PCC adjustment: The most frequent integer adjustments due to PCC. A +1 means that the courses played a little bit more difficult than normal. Weather conditions are not always the reason for a PCC adjustment. It can also occur when the course set-up is different from a typical day. Maybe the tees are further back or hole locations are more challenging. If at least eight scores are posted on a single day the PCC calculation takes place and an adjustment is considered if scores are abnormal. Fun fact, the largest PCC adjustment experienced amongst IGA Member Clubs was at TPC Deere Run when the course was set up for the John Deere Classic, a PGA Tour event. It registered as a +3, which is the max value for PCC. An additional benefit to the PCC adjustment is it can help the IGA flag courses that might need their Course and Slope Ratings reevaluated. If a PCC is occurring multiple times a week for a particular facility, that tells the staff the course is set up with different conditions than when it was rated. Fortunately, we only experienced this twice in 2021 and both courses were already on the schedule to be rerated. There were 26 full ratings performed between the window of April 1st and November 15th which is the active score posting season in Iowa. These ratings were completed by our regional volunteer rating teams and IGA staff. Additionally, there were 14 partial ratings completed this season as well. A partial rating could be as simple as adding a combo tee or updating a course that recently went through a bunker renovation. On top of rating a course or performing the occasional update, the IGA can also provide a club with useful data that can be used to determine the most equitable Stroke Index Allocation (Handicap Holes) for your facility. This process is accomplished by using the hole-by-hole data gathered during a Course Rating. To learn more about this additional asset we encourage you to reach out to the Iowa Golf Association. Going forward into 2022, you can expect to see more and more tees rated for both men and women. The USGA recently made a formal recommendation that all tees be rated for men and all tees up to 6,000 yards at a minimum are rated for women. This has been a practice of the IGA in recent years but now is becoming universally accepted across the country. What this means is golfers will have more tee options available to post scores. We are very excited about the direction we are heading and look forward to offering more services to our growing membership in the years ahead! Hole 16 at TPC Deere Run during the annual John Deere Classic, a PGA tour stop.