2022 Yearbook

128 Golden Harvest History of Golf in Iowa One of the foundational pillars of the IGAF is to preserve and protect the history of the game. One way we have accomplished that is through our part- nership with Hall of Fame golf writer Rick Brown. Rick spent an entire year researching and writing a book on the history of golf in Iowa. As you can imagine, this would be a monumental task as the history of golf in Iowa stretches well over a century. Golf came to Iowa in the late 1800s, planting the seeds for a rich harvest of golf history. Much of that history, long forgotten, comes to life in “Golden Harvest. Iowa’s Rich Golf History.” Written by 11-time Iowa Sportswriter of the Year Rick Brown and commissioned by the Iowa Golf Association, this book is a must-read for those who love the game. Iowa is the home to major champions Jack Fleck, Judy Kimball and Zach Johnson. It’s also the home to 254 nine-hole golf courses, the most of any state in the nation. It has produced many champions who had success in and out of Iowa, like Jack Rule, Steve Spray, Barb Thomas Whitehead, Ann Casey Johnstone, Lucile Robinson, Art Bartlett, John Jacobs, Mike McCoy, Gene Elliott, Sean McCarty, Ken Schall, Joe Brown, Edith Estabrooks, Rudy Knepper and so many more. Their stories are chronicled in these pages. “Golden Harvest” is 496 pages, written in narrative form. Proceeds from book sales benefit Iowa Golf Association Foundation programs and services. Purchase your copy today at iowagolf.org.