2022 Yearbook

130 Scholarships Ann Griffel & Herman Sani Scholarships The IGA Foundation administers two college scholarshipprograms that annually benefit graduating seniors from Iowa high schools. Each year the IGAF awards $42,000 between the Ann Griffel and Herman Sani Scholarship Funds. The IGAF awards $2,000 Ann Griffel Scholarships to Iowa high school senior girls who intend to further their education at an Iowa institution of higher learning, whether a college, university, or trade school. Since 1963, 253 students have received assistance. The Herman Sani Scholarship Program is a four- year scholarship awarded to outstanding graduating seniors who have excelled in academics, community service, and have been involved with golf. Each recipient receives $8,000 ($2,000 per year) over a consecutive four-year period. Since 1950, 190 Iowa students have been awarded Sani Scholarships. >> RIGHT - Griffel Scholars in gold, Sani Scholars in black $42,000 Awarded Annually