2022 Yearbook

133 2018 97 2019 157 2020 271 2021 480 2022 599 Memberships Rounds Posted Participating Courses 2018 275 2019 451 2020 721 2021 1236 2022 3181 2018 15 2019 28 2020 29 2021 33 2022 34 of that with one day’s effort (well, not counting the training leading up to it) is definitely worth it. The program helps drive some “traffic” during off-peak hours to participating courses. In addition, statistics show that over half of YOC rounds are played with a full-paying adult. With this program, we like to think that perhaps the kids are dragging the parents to the golf course, instead of the other way around. The goals of this program are multiple. We aim to reduce the barrier to trying out golf by decreasing the financial strain (kids only pay $5!), bringing more business to golf courses when they need it most, and getting families out to play this great game together, more often. The program has become nationwide and is accomplishing these goals!