2022 Yearbook

134 Each year the IGA and IGAF provide funding for the Iowa State University Turfgrass Extension Service, which provides important information and scientific troubleshooting for golf course superintendents and their facilities throughout Iowa. In 2022 the Iowa Golf Association Foundation donated $4,000 to be used to assist Iowa State Univeristy Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Dr. Adam Thoms' travel. Although Dr. Thoms doesn't exclusively support IGA Member Clubs he has been an invaluable asset. Since 2018 Dr. Thoms made over 150 in-person visits to IGA Member Clubs and has supported countless others remotely. Additionally, the IGA and IGAF provide annual sponsorships to support the Iowa Turfgrass Institute and the Iowa Turfgrass Conference/Trade Show. The conference offers over 35 unique educational sessions along with a vibrant Trade Show featuring over 70 different exhibitors. The IGAF will continue to support educational programs that demonstrate best environmental practices that positively address the game's agronomic issues. These programs provide educational benefits to the general public, clubs, and all golfers around the state. Turf and Environmental Research "Super" Support