2022 Yearbook

14 HANDICAPPING & COURSE RATING T he Handicapping and Course Rating department continued tomake great progress in 2022. The uncertainty that the global pandemic brought us the previous two years has now been replaced with a steadier sense of the future. With that, the planning and execution of initiatives related to Handicapping and Course Rating have been in full effect. On the individual membership side, the Iowa Golf Association experienced another year of significant growth and participation. Individual memberships were up 6% from the previous year reaching just shy of 25,000 total members! A contributing factor to the increase came from our junior and women’s memberships where we saw a 16% increase and 10% increase respectively. We couldn’t be more thrilled with this progress and look to continue that trend into 2023. To compliment the growth in individual memberships, the Iowa Golf Association also welcomed 14 new member clubs in 2022. Each of these clubs bring with them their own unique story to tell. We couldn’t be more grateful for their support in allowing us to be part of their journey. One club I feel worth mentioning is not necessarily a “golf course” in the traditional sense but an online club. This online club is called the USGA/Iowa GC BILL EBY, COMMITTEE CHAIR missing data missing data