2022 Yearbook

16 COMMUNICATIONS T he IGA experienced an increased level of communication between all sectors of Iowa golf, including the individuals and facilities that comprise our membership. With more than 728,000 page views in 2022, Our IGA website continues to serve as a ‘GO-TO' spot for golf news, updates, and general information. The website also saw over 10,000 more unique (new) visitors throughout the year, and a year-over-year increase of 56,000 page views compared to 2021. This is an excellent trend as more golfers are turning to us for information online. If you haven't visited or need to catch up on the golf scene in Iowa, be sure to check it out! From tournament results, USGA updates, the 'Up &DownThe Iowa Golf Scene' column, updates on Golf House Iowa and much more - the IGA website has you covered. The IGA added Instagram to its list of social media channels in 2021 in an effort to reach even more golfers from around the world seeking golf news from Iowa. As of late 2022, the IGA's Instagram has over 706 followers – which is double the followers logged this time last year. Facebook and Twitter continue to see growth with both over 3,200 followers. Our IGA reach will continue to grow as we remain a trusted realtime information source. Click that like/follow button and get onboard...the train is running full steam ahead! The IGA is pleased to share that the recently redeveloped GHIN Mobile app saw excellent traffic in 2022, with over 880,000 visits. More than 490,000 scores were posted via the mobile app in 2022. For perspective, 123,000 Iowa scores were posted via the mobile app in 2018. In 2022, over 80,000 scores were posted via the app in June and July, respectively, with August coming in just shy of that number. Iowa is trending towards 1 million visits to the mobile app by 2024. VAUGHN HALYARD, COMMITTEE CHAIR