2022 Yearbook

33 2022 IGA SENIOR MATCH PLAY BRACKETS Match Play Champion Joe Palmer. “Winning this tournament feels really good,” said Norton. “I think the golf course suits me, I have always liked this golf course and I have played good here. The course is in great shape and the greens are in great shape and fairly fast.” Norton praised Schill as a strong competitor who would not back down. That showed in their final match as Schill was down three holes early, but brought it back to one down going into the 11th hole. “Playing someone like Tom is a grind; you know you can’t hit any bad shots,” Norton said. “Fortunately, I rolled in a few putts on him today, but he played really well and he is a great competitor.” Norton wrapped up the match with a conceded birdie on the 17th hole and the two competitors shook hands as their road came to an end. Schill left with great sportsmanship and a chip on his shoulder for next year while Norton headed home as an IGA champion for the first time. Championship Bracket 1 32 16 17 8 25 9 24 4 29 13 20 5 28 12 21 2 31 15 18 7 26 10 23 3 30 14 19 6 27 11 22 Jay Gregory Bob Brummel Jason Thornbrugh Gary Bucher Jeff Panek Todd Hingtgen Brian Persson Joe Stover Jeff Collett Curtis Holck Jay Slings Gary Ellis Tony Newkirk Eric Losen Terry Cook Kevin Alert Joe Palmer Dave Gaer Troy Underhill Kirk Macumber Mike Gaul Kris Greenfield Jon Brown Tom Christensen Dave Henry Robert Dickerman Ron Peterson Troy Arends Chris Kramer Edwin Evans Brian Verduyn Bret Taylor Gregory Brummel Hingtgen Persson Collett Slings Newkirk Cook Palmer Underhill Gaul Brown Dickerman Peterson Kramer Verduyn Gregory Persson Collett Cook Palmer Brown Peterson Kramer Gregory Collett Collett Peterson Palmer Peterson Jeff Collett 3&2 2&1 2&1 1 Up 5&4 19 Holes 1 Up 2&1 6&5 1 Up 1 Up 6&5 2&1 1 Up 1 Up 9&7 2&1 4&2 2&1 19 Holes 21 Holes 20 Holes 6&4 3&2 2&1 2&1 5&4 19 Holes 4&3 2&1 3&2 Super Senior Bracket 1 32 16 17 8 25 9 24 4 29 13 20 5 28 12 21 2 31 15 18 7 26 10 23 3 30 14 19 6 27 11 22 Tom Norton Kirby Schmidt Dave Sergeant James Blackburn Pat Ryan Jim Madsen Rick Gorbell Dan Trerotola Steve Kahler Mike McDonald Mark Albert Tom Schill Stephen Larson Joel Yunek Ned Palmer Rob Christensen Terry Miller Bob Hartzler Bill Tank Tim Taylor David Studer Mark Hogenson Randy Studer Norton Sergeant Leyendecker Ryan Madsen Gorbell Kahler McDonald Schill Yunek Palmer Miller Hartzler Taylor D. Studer R. Studer Norton Ryan Madsen Kahler Schill Palmer Taylor D. Studer Norton Kahler Norton Schill Schill D. Studer Tom Norton 3&1 Bye 5&4 20 Holes 4&3 6&4 4&3 7&6 20 Holes Bye 6&5 5&4 5&3 3&1 1 Up 4&3 4&3 4&3 4&3 5&4 1 Up 1 Up 4&3 1 Up 5&3 3&1 2 Up 2 Up 5&4 1 Up 19 Holes Rick Leyendecker Del Harken John Kinsey Brian Fell Curt Burns Richard Jones Mike Ninneman