2022 Yearbook

8 board of directors. Mike and Andy both served as Presidents on our board and continue to serve on our IGA Foundation Board. I’ve personally relied on both Mike and Andy for guidance on decisions we’ve had to make during my tenure in this role. Guys – thanks for all you do for the game in our state. Your contributions are genuinely appreciated by everyone on our board and by the IGA staff. I’d also like to welcome both Molly Altorfer and Steve Berg to the IGA Board. We’re excited to have you both join our team and continue the IGA’s mission to preserve, protect and promote the spirit of the game in our great state. Last year, I talked about the IGA Foundation which is the charitable arm of the IGA. Among other things, the foundation administers the Sani and Griffel Scholarships, the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame, our Partners Program, and Youth on Course. If you’ve met me, you know the IGA Foundation holds a special place in my heart. As the Chair of the Sani Scholarship Selection Committee, I get the opportunity to see first-hand how strong the roots of golf grow in our state. Each year, Leighann LaRocca (the Chair of the Ann Griffel Scholarship Selection Committee) and I get to review over 200 applications from high school seniors across our state. Rest assured, the future of the game in our state is very strong. The last point I’ll make on the foundation is about Golf House Iowa. If you haven’t already heard, this is the biggest project the IGAF or IGA has ever tried to tackle. And we need your help. If you’re still reading my comments, you’re clearly passionate about the game and passionate about our state. Can I ask one more favor? Flip (or click) ahead and read my letter on the foundation page of our yearbook. It will give you more information about the project and our progress. Folks, Golf House Iowa is a really big deal. And it’s going to happen. Last year I commented on just how lucky we are to have our incredible staff at the IGA. Let me just repeat what I said because they keep getting better. Whether it’s administering our tournaments, handling Rules situations, hosting banquets, or producing top-notch digital content, our IGA staff is truly best in class. Chad, Katelynn, Nate, Clint, and Karli…thanks for your incredible professionalism and hard work. To our Board of Directors, our Boatwright Interns, our committee members, and the countless volunteers that take the time to help make our events successful…thanks for everything you do. All I can say is that I’m both humbled and honored to serve the game as the president of this board. I’ve loved the game of golf since my dad gave me a cut-down Wilson Staff 5 iron when I was five years old. Golf brings us joy, laughter, and humility. But most importantly, it creates bonds and friendships that can’t be found anywhere else. Where else can you go spend four or five hours with family, friends, business clients, or complete strangers and enjoy each other’s company without distraction? In an era of smartphones and social media, a little fresh air and real-life conversation might be just what the doctor ordered. With that said, I hope to see you all out on the course this summer.