2023 IGA Yearbook

137 2023 2022 SUPPORT AND REVENUE Unrestricted Funds Donations 12,955 $ 3,857 $ Youth on Course Donations and Memberships 35,937 19,638 Partners Program (net of expenses) 18,712 24,982 Iowa Golf Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony and Donations 7,537 5,923 Iowa Golf History Book Sales 1,755 1,483 Golf House Iowa Donations 2,635,201 919,638 Herman Sani and Ann Griffel Scholarship Donations 36,079 27,213 Interest, Dividends and Realized Gains 115,638 23,303 2,863,814 1,026,037 EXPENSES Youth on Course Subsidies and Expenses 38,147 20,329 Iowa Golf Hall of Fame 14,781 5,562 Iowa Golf History Book 992 1,704 Golf House Iowa 1,263 570 Herman Sani Scholarship Grants and Expenses 32,314 32,188 Ann Griffel Scholarship Grants and Expenses 10,365 10,235 Junior Golf Support Grants 6,000 5,000 Environmental and Turf Research Grants 4,000 4,000 Management and Operations 26,502 20,093 Investment Management Fees 2,562 2,568 136,926 102,249 REVENUE less EXPENSES 2,726,888 $ 923,788 $ ASSETS Community Foundation of Greater Des Moines 534,716 $ 490,405 $ Bank Accounts and Temporary Cash Investments 409,723 1,772,411 Golf House Iowa 4,475,394 100,002 Book Inventory 11,311 11,677 Other Assets 1,428 1,714 5,432,572 $ 2,376,209 $ NET ASSETS / FUND BALANCES Beginning of the Year 2,334,587 $ 1,508,261 $ Revenue less Expenses 2,726,888 923,788 Increase (Decrease) in Net Unrealized Gains on Investments 46,589 (97,462) End of the Year 5,108,064 $ 2,334,587 $ IGA Foundation Statement of Activities and Financial Position 2023 2023 Financials