2023 IGA Yearbook

20 Derek Peng was this year's Marketing and Communica- tion Intern. Studying Business at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Derek played golf and tennis at Ames High School. He's an avid learner who enjoys photography and playing sports. "I love golf, I love being creative, and I love being around people," he explained, "and at the IGA I can do what I love." With a background in professional photography, Der- ek took the IGA social media and tournament cover- age to new heights. His experience and knowledge behind the lens led to greater investments from the IGA in the form of a new camera as well as a drone. His experience in various design programs allowed for the rejuvenation of many of the printed programs and booklets present at IGA Championships and dinners. This also included the 2023 Yearbook which he dili- gently updated throughout the course of his internship. An extremely bright scholar, Derek was recently award- ed the prestigious Sophomore Intake Initiative Schol- arship by the Morehead-Cain Foundation. The Univer- sity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill academic will no doubt continue to make an impact on those around him. “As a golfer, it was exciting to learn first-hand about the administrative side and all the work behind the scenes. I focused on pushing my creative limits and my comfort zone. Being able to work alongside the staff and better the Iowa golf community was a valuable and rewarding summer experience.” P.J. BOATWRIGHT INTERNSHIP O riginally started in 1991, the P.J. Boatwright Internship Program was designed to give experience to individuals interested in exploring careers within the game of golf and was fittingly named after the trailblazer golf administrator, P.J. Boatwright Jr. Boatwright Jr. quickly paved his way into the history of golf first with an accomplished amateur career that included participating in four U.S. Amateur Championships, followed shortly thereafter in the 1950 U.S. Open where he made the cut. Outside of his competitive resume, Boatwright also had a love for golf administration which led him to a five-decade-long career at the USGA, including 11 years as Executive Director. Much like Boatwright experienced himself, the opportunities are endless. PJB Interns receive hands-on training across various fields including Tournament Administration, Course Rating, World Handicap System, Member Services, Social Media, and Marketing. Annually, 125 Boatwrights are hired and immersed in the career field of golf administration during the summer months. Since its integration into the Iowa Golf Association, more than 40 individuals have been Boatwrights with many continuing on to hold a career in golf- including all five IGA staff members. Those who have explored career paths outside of golf remain passionate as ever and continue to show their support through IGA membership, championship participation, and our various initiatives. The IGAwas joined in 2023 by three talented and hardworking individuals through the USGA P.J. Boatwright Internship as Derek Peng, Paige Hoffman, and Gavin Matthias became well-known to the IGA community. Derek Peng