2023 IGA Yearbook

29 2023 IGA SENIOR MATCH PLAY BRACKETS Brown defeated Bret Taylor (4 & 3) and Ron Peterson (7 & 5) on his path to the championship. “(Gene and I) wanted to be playing each other,” Brown said. “It’s not hard to play against your buddies. I have been doing that for 35 years. You appreciate these moments as we are on the back nine of our careers. When you look back at tournaments you’ve won when you beat a guy like Gene or Mike (McCoy) or Joe (Palmer), they mean more because of all their accomplishments.” In the Super Senior Division, Dave Gaer defeated Tom Norton 3 & 2, in a match that Gaer was able to control most of the way. “I hit the ball really well this week,” Gaer said. “Match play is a grind. You have to pay attention. I got off to a great start and was hitting it close (against Norton). I hit it well all day and I can’t complain. It’s great to be a part of the Iowa Golf Association and the event was great." Championship Bracket 1 32 16 17 8 25 9 24 4 29 13 20 5 28 12 21 2 31 15 18 7 26 10 23 3 30 14 19 6 27 11 22 Jon Brown Bret Taylor Steve Jordan Dave Cunningham Brad Nagel Ron Peterson Neil Bolstad Joe Palmer Bill Matzdorff Troy Underhill Kirk Macumber Terry Cook Edwin Evans Jeff Collett Robert Dickerman Tom Christensen Jay Gregory Tony Newkirk Doug Bryant Gene Elliott Gary Bucher Dave Schurke Brian Verduyn Curtis Holck Rocky Eddy Brown Taylor Cunningham Peterson Palmer Matzdorff Macumber Cook Collett Christensen Gregory Newkirk Elliott Schurke Verduyn Holck Brown Peterson Palmer Cook Collett Gregory Elliott Holck Brown Cook Brown Elliott Gregory Elliott Jon Brown 4&3 Bye 4&3 9&7 7&6 Bye 3&2 Bye 7&6 Bye 4&3 Bye 8&7 Bye 3&2 Bye 5&4 4&3 19 Holes 4&2 1 Up 6&4 19 Holes 2&1 1 Up 7&5 2&1 3&2 5&4 6&5 2 Up Super Senior Bracket 1 32 16 17 8 25 9 24 4 29 13 20 5 28 12 21 2 31 15 18 7 26 10 23 3 30 14 19 6 27 11 22 Tom Norton Randy Studer Bill Tank Bob Hartzler Rick Gorbell Curt Burns Pat Ryan Terry Miller Bob Brooks Mark Hogenson Mike Ninneman Jim Madsen Joel Yunek James Blackburn Tom Schill Charlie Taylor Dan Trerotola Rob Christensen John Brown Mike McDonald Dave Gaer David Studer John Kinsey Norton Tank Hartzler Gorbell Burns Miller Brooks Hogenson Madsen Yunek Schill Taylor Christensen Brown Gaer Studer Norton Gorbell Miller Brooks Madsen Schill Brown Gaer Norton Brooks Norton Gaer Schill Gaer Dave Gaer 3&2 Bye 7&6 8&7 9&8 Bye 5&4 Bye 2&1 Bye 4&3 4&2 3&2 Bye 2&1 Bye 2 Up 1 Up 6&5 2&1 5&4 4&3 2&1 1 Up 6&5 7&6 2&1 2 Up 3&2 1 Up 4&3 Del Harken Tim Taylor Rex Wittrock