Meet Noreen –
Noreen Christians, of Urbandale, has been participating in IGA events since 2021. Events ranging from one day IGA Mid-Am Series events to the Wife-Husband to the Forever-39 Match Play, Christian’s is no rookie to the ever changing formats. Outside of the IGA, she is heavily involved with the LPGA Amateur Des Moines Chapter. With events during the warm months throughout Iowa, Noreen also travels across the U.S. to participate in LPGA Amateur championships, never missing an opportunity to tee it up and grow the game.
“Most that know me well would say I live in 2 seasons, golf, and no golf. It is an honor to be representing the many women in Iowa who also share this same passion for golf. The IGA and the LPGA Amateurs have led me to new friends, beautiful and different golf courses, and equipped me to attempt any course/opponent, no matter the challenge.”
- Mary Schemmel – $15
- Karli Kerrigan – $20
- Carol Thompson – $25
- Laura Hennessey – $50
- Katelynn Hogenson – $50
- Michael Thompson – $50
- Tyler Christians – $52
- Soni Hansen – $75
- Dale Christians – $75
- Marsha Arens – $100
- Ardrae and Kevin Parmenter – $100
- Mark & Ellen Hansing – $100
- Ken Schall – $100
- Kurt Bogseth – $108
- Beverly Perry – $200