Scroll to learn more about the largest project in Iowa Golf Association history

Imagine a physical location centrally located in the state that would honor those that came before us in golf, serve those playing the game today, and develop those that will enjoy this game long after us, as well as serve as a hub from which multiple groups with compatible missions could do what they do more effectively and more efficiently. With that in mind, we have the vision to create "Golf House Iowa".

Read Press Release written by Rick Brown




91% of the goal has been raised/pledged as of August 23, 2024

$4,557,838 raised of our $5,000,000 goal




Golf is a game of a lifetime.  It takes us to beautiful places, provides us with exercise, helps instill values such as honesty, integrity, respect and sportsmanship – things that have served us all well in the game of life.  As you think about making a donation, I ask that you reflect on what golf has done for you, where it has taken you, who you have met through the game, and how much you would like for a young boy or girl to have that same experience and opportunity.

Click the Play button below to view a 5-min video on the project.

View artist renderings & floorpans

The creation of Golf House Iowa will provide a permanent home to preserve, promote, and protect the game of golf in our great state. We plan to include the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame and Museum, a space for educating golfers, areas to promote and teach the game, and office space for the Iowa Golf Association, IGA Foundation, Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association and First Tee - Central Iowa.


$1,000,000 and up

Julie & Michael Coppola

$750,000 - $999,999

Coppola Enterprises & Related Entities (in-kind land & site work)

$250,000 to $499,999

Iowa PGA Section
Joe Brown Family
Joan & Richard Stark
Jim Dworzak

$100,000 to $249,999

DaLena & Gene Elliott
Fareway Stores, Inc.
Kim & Zach Johnson
Tana & Mike McCoy
Principal Financial Group Foundation
Debbie & Doug Reichardt
John Ruan (Ruan Foundation)
Doug Shull
Frances (memorial) & John Ulrich

$50,000 to $99,999

Anonymous Donor
Jim Carney
Reynolds & Sheila Cramer
Charlotte & Fred Hubbell
Gayle & Robert Johnson
Jean & John Matovina
Joe Palmer
Deb & Charles Taylor

$25,000 to $49,999

Linda & Michael Abildtrup
Maureen & Joe Bates
Louise & Sam Billmeyer
Kelly & Bob Brooks
Traci & Steve Egly
First Tee – Central Iowa
Iowa Girls’ Hight School Athletic Union
Iowa Turfgrass Institute
Kenneth Kinsey Foundation
Deb & Bill Manske
Prairie Meadows Racetrack & Casino
Connie & Ken Schall
Standard Golf Company
Sheila & Randy Studer
Julia & Tim Taylor
Voorhees Family Foundation
Wakonda Club Members Gift
Catherine Yung & Jeff Webb

$10,000 to $24,999

Anonymous Donor
Pat Baird
Pamela & Steve Berg
Jill (memorial) & Tom Blackwood
Linda & Neil Bolstad
Betsy & Kent Bro
Sheila & Andy Burton
Barb & Ross deBuhr
D&K Products
Discount Dumpsters (Scot Cook & Scott Hart)
Ruthie & Nate Dunn
Sean Flanders
Robin & Mark Gambaiana
Julie & Larry Gladson
The Graham Group
Lyndsy & Steve Jermier
Margaret & Michael Mumma
Jean & Ron Peterson
Kristie & Chad Pitts
Mary Schneider
Steve Sukup
Bill Tank
Heinrich Taylor (memorial)
Erin & Brian Verduyn
Teresa & Joe Ward
West Bank Foundation
Joel Yunek

$5,000 to $9,999

Kari & J.D. Anderson
James A. Bianco
Kathleen & Russ Bitterman
Jolene & Jim Brown
Sarah & Dennis Bull
Laura & Tom Christensen
Douglas Clausen
Terry Cook
Meg & Jeff Courter
Sue & Bill Eby
Leighann & Bob LaRocca
Maverick McNealy
Mike Pape
Rebecca & Mike Purcell
Todd Sapp
Susan & Dave Sergeant
Lori & Jeff Smith
Patricia & Ron Van Buskirk

$1,000 to $4,999

Rick Adrianse
Barbara & Michael Archer
Ashley & Matt Arenholz
Ginger & Harry Athas
Barb & Rick Berkmeyer
Jamie Blackburn
Cherie & Jon Brown
Clint Brown
Karon & Rick Brown
Robert Brown (memorial)
Bruce Bruene
Liz & Doug Bryant
Maureen & Jim Campbell
Robbyn and Jeff Collett
Patty & Jim Cownie
Kim & Jim (memorial) Curell
Nancy & Jerry Danforth
Pam & Bob Day
Cyndi & Mike Duea
Sarah & Richard Early
Diane & Gary Ellis
Eilene Elliott (memorial)
Glen Elliott (memorial)
Factory Motor Parts
Sarah & Tom Feller
Suzie & Greg Fontanini
Ann & Marty Fredericks
Heidi & Jared Gillespie
Kelley & Joe Glotfelty
Fran Fleck & Terry Greenley
Sara & Brad Gregory 
Debbie & Jay Gruenwald
Del Harken
Lisa & Brett Hoffman
Katelynn Hogenson
Mark Hogenson
Christine & Ted Irvine
Laura & Neil Johnson
Derek Justice
The Kain Family
Michelle & Tom Klein
William C. Knapp Foundation
Connie & Steve Kruck
Rose Kubesheski
Laura Leszczynski
Paige & Rob Lynch
Tony Mauro
Kelsey & Michael McEowen
Deb & George Milligan
Polly Moore
Alyssa & Michael O’Donnell
Peter Olberding
Cherie & Jock Olson
Mary Kay & John Peters
Kevin Pratt Memorial
Shari & Chad Proehl
Duane Rost
Brenda & Greg Samuelson
Shelly & Denny Samuelson
Claudia & Paul Schickler
Cory Schultes
Andy & Al Sherbo
Bruce Sherman
Silverbacks Group (Echo Valley CC)
Judy Kimball Simon
Ardyth & Gary Slight
Charles Smith
Donna & Bob Smith
Julie & Craig Spitzfaden
Jill & Doug Struyk
Rick Tegtmeier
Nancy & George Turner (memorial)
Fiona Watson & Tish Boothe
Waveland Men’s Golf Association
Val & Mike Weis
Wellmark Foundation
Mel & Matt Weresh
Linda & Duwayne Wessels
Dennis Whitlatch
Marne & Michael Woods
Karen & Sumner Worth

$999 and under

Anonymous Donor
David Akers
Molly & Derek Altorfer
Brian Anderzhon
Russ Appel
Karen & John Ausen
Rita & Mark Bawden
Greg Bentley
Eric Boehlert
John “Jack” Brown (memorial)
Katie & Cleo Brown
Bob Brummel
Rodd Bullard
Julie & Reed Burkholder
Curt Burns
Sharon & Michael Burton
Tom Child
William Coakley
Cary Cochran
Chris Coen
Jonathan Cornett
Nick Cummins
James DeMatteis (memorial)
Dave Destival
Heather & Mark Dickinson
Michael Eggley
Broc Everett
Robert Falck, Jr.
Justin Farrell

$999 and under

Kim Fensterman
Martin Goetz
Carolyn & Doug Gordon
Tess Goudy
Kathleen & Bernard Gradoville
Margene & Tim Grady
Roger Grefe
Ray Gustafson
Matt Hall
Vaughn Halyard
Dianne & David Happel
Vicki & Thomas Heiken
Chris Hickman
Jack Hilmes
Paige Hoffman
John Hollen
Bruce Jacobs
William Jeremiah
Mary Junge & Matthew Junge
Karli Kerrigan
George Kinley (memorial)
Dan Kinney
Tonya & Aaron Krueger
Chad Labarre
Jeff Lamoureux
Ben Larson
Mark Larson
Randy Larson (memorial)
Bob Leahy (memorial)

$999 and under

Julie & John Lisle
Pat Logan
Jerry Long
Dick Lozier
Kimberly & Ryan Lux
Anthony Malizia
David Maurer
Sean & Mundi McCarty
Ashley & Nate McCoy
Ethan Mechling
Ivan Miller, Sr.
Ivan Miller, Jr.
Doug Minard (memorial)
Philip Morrow
Tom Newbanks
Mike Ninneman
Tom Norton
Jon Olson
Eliza Ovrom & Mark Schuling
Ned Palmer
Rudy Pape
Connor Peck
Tim Peters
Steve Pick
Elizabeth Pitzer
Al Pottebaum
Donnie & Lavonne Richey (memorial)
Emily & Randy Robinson

$999 and under

Linda & Carl Roose
Jonathan Roth
Hillis Rupe
Pat Ryan
Flo Schall
Lucas Scherf
Rachel & Tom Schill
Benny & Curt Schnell
Janece & Jay Schwartzkopf
David Selene
Jan Sewright
Vanessa & Jim Sidrel
Reilly Smidt

Judy Smith (memorial)
Anita & Doug Snook
Alissa & Mike Spratt
Sarah Steinkamp
Penny & Larry Stewart
Bret & Tiffany Taylor
Steve Tyler
Thomas Verrips
Donna Vroom
Robin & Doug Webb
Brad White
Colin Williams
Greg Wilson
Lora & Ken Winter
Luke Xiong-Howser


The creation of Golf House Iowa will provide a permanent home to preserve, promote, and protect the game of golf in our great state. We plan to include the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame and Museum, a space for educating golfers, areas to promote and teach the game, and office space for the Iowa Golf Association, IGA Foundation, Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association and First Tee - Central Iowa.

The IGA & IGA Foundation plans to provide administration space to partnering golf organizations such as the Iowa Turfgrass Institute (Iowa Golf Course Superintendents) and First Tee – Central Iowa, helping to bring added awareness to their wonderful missions and programs. Some goals and figures on the potential impact of Golf House Iowa include:


  • Significantly increase awareness of the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame as no such physical space exists at this time
  • Highlight and honor the historic victories of Zach Johnson and Jack Fleck, to the major championships hosted at Iowa golf courses, to the impact of Iowa companies such as Standard Golf on the game at the global level
  • Conservatively estimate 1,000+ visitors in the first year, including at least 10 elementary school field trips
  • Increase Youth on Course participation to over 1,500 kids within 5 years
  • Grow First Tee – Central Iowa to over 1,000 summer program participants within two years
  • Hold at least 10 field trips for 3rd, 4th, & 5th grade classes as part of “The First Green” program where students learn about the STEM that goes into caring for a golf course


  • Iowa Golf Association – serves all 99 counties in Iowa plus Rock Island county (surrounding the Quad Cities) in Illinois
  • Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association – serves the entire state of Iowa including small parts of southern Minnesota and eastern Nebraska
  • First Tee – Central Iowa serves 8 counties (Boone, Dallas, Jasper, Madison, Polk, Poweshiek, Story, Warren) impacting 14,000+ youth annually
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