2024 IGA Course Rating Application

Prior to completing this form, please review the Course Rating agreement below. By submitting this application you are acknowledging that you have read the agreement and fully understand its terms and conditions.

Agreement to Include Course Rating Fees

To have all Course Rating Fees included in the per golfer dues you must sign and return this agreement along with the Course Rating Request Form.

  1. Our club agrees to remain an Iowa Golf Association Member Club as defined by the IGA bylaws for a period of no less than five years following a Course Rating.
  2. Our club understands that as a member club of the IGA we agree to exclusively use and promote the Individual Golfer Services, including but not limited to the handicap computation service, provided by the IGA.
  3. If our club does not remain a Member Club, we agree to pay the IGA $2,000 (9-hole course) or $4,000 (18-hole course or larger), whichever is applicable, for the course rating service. This fee is equal to the fee incurred by a non-member club for course rating services in 2024.
  4. We understand that should we be subject to the fee outlined (#3) any member dues paid while an IGA Member Club do not count toward this payment.
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