2025 IGA Club Membership
Club/Course Membership
IGA Member Clubs see great benefit in membership. Some of the services provided to our member clubs include, but are not limited to:
Benefits of Club/Course Membership
- Course Rating, Measurement, and Stroke Index Allocation (handicap holes)
- Handicapping & Review Tools: IGA Member Clubs use GHIN™, a USGA product
- Golf Genius tournament management software: Utilized for league and tournament administration
- Free turf consultations through the Iowa State University Turfgrass Extension Service
- Education: The IGA conducts seminars on Handicapping, The Rules of Golf, tournament administration and GHIN
- Club Consulting: Course marking and management
- Hole-in-one Insurance Program Discount
- IGA website listing including club contact info, directions, Course Ratings and club events on a Statewide Tournament Database
- Eligibility for USGA CCS Visits and IGA Annual Awards
- Opportunity to host IGA events & tournaments
- Qualified for the IGA Club Team Championships
Take a closer look at the capabilities of each software program in the Benefits of Membership booklet below.
IGA Member Clubs pay annual dues to the IGA. There is an annual club fee as well as dues for the individual members at your club.
Individual Membership
You become an IGA Individual Member through your participation in the IGA/USGA Handicap Service (GHIN®) at an IGA member golf club. Golfers enrolled as an individual member receive much more than just a handicap (see below) including the satisfaction of supporting the game of golf in Iowa.
Benefits of Membership
- Obtain a WHS Handicap Index® from GHIN™. IGA Individual Membership is also tracked through your Handicap Identification Number.
- Free IGA/GHIN mobile app for easy score posting, stat tracking, games, and GPS features
- eNewsletters: Your Handicap Index® and amateur golf related updates emailed to you twice a month
- Free access to simulators at Golf House Iowa
- Grouper offers payments to Iowa golfers aged 65+ for staying active
- Eligibility to compete in IGA Championships conducted for boys, girls, men & women
- Ability to earn IGA Player of the Year points
- A digital copy of the annual IGA Yearbook
- Hole-in-one certificates and recognition
- Free Golf Performance Home Assessment by Impact Health and Performance
- Exclusive member discounts
- Satisfaction of supporting golf in Iowa
Financial Commitment
Course and Slope Ratings are included in the membership package. It is important to note that when a member club has a course rating done they sign an agreement to waive the non-member rating fee on the condition that the club will remain a member in good standing of the club for a period of no less than 5 years. A rating is good for 10 years.
9-Hole Facility
- Annual club fee is $125.
- The second part of membership is the individual golfer fee which is typically $25 per active individual on the GHIN Handicap roster. In 2025 we are offering a discounted rate in year 1 and 2 of your membership.
- Year 1: $15, minimum 20
- Year 2: $20, minimum 20
- Year 3: Full Rate ($25 in 2025), minimum 20
- The IGA invoices for a minimum of 20 golfers per year and then any additional over the 20 are billed at the designated rate. The individual member fee is collected from the golfers at your club. It is up to the facility what they want to charge the golfer, but on average clubs are between $30 and $40.
- Course & Slope Rating Fee
- $2,000, 9-hole facility (waived) = $0
- Summary: $125 + year 1, $300 (collected from golfers) = $425 minimum
18-Hole Facility
- Annual club fee is $250.
- The second part of membership is the individual golfer fee which is typically $25 per active individual on the GHIN Handicap roster. In 2025 we are offering a discounted rate in year 1 and 2 of your membership.
- Year 1: $15, minimum 20
- Year 2: $20, minimum 20
- Year 3: Full Rate ($25 in 2025), minimum 20
- The IGA invoices for a minimum of 20 golfers per year and then any additional over the 20 are billed at the designated rate. The individual member fee is collected from the golfers at your club. It is up to the facility what they want to charge the golfer, but on average clubs are between $30 and $40.
- Course & Slope Rating Fee
- $4,000, 18-hole facility (waived) = $0
- Summary: $250 + year 1, $300 (collected from golfers) = $550 minimum

Schedule of Invoices
Individual membership in the IGA is tracked through the GHIN Handicap Program at each IGA Member Club. Each individual on a member club’s GHIN roster is assigned a GHIN number which is also the individual’s IGA membership number.
Junior golfers (18 and younger) are free. To ensure the IGA doesn’t invoice your club for juniors, make sure you have the junior’s proper birth date entered in the GHIN Program as well as their member type set to ‘J’ for junior.
January 1 – Annual Club Fee & Minimum Individual Membership Billing
- The IGA will invoice each member club the annual club fee ($125 or $250) and the minimum individual membership fee for 20 golfers.
- April 1 – Score posting season begins in the IGA’s region. April 1st is the start of the IGA individual membership year.
- April 14 – Last day to clean up GHIN roster.
April 15 – Individual Membership Billing #1
- This invoice will be based on the active adult golfers on your club’s GHIN roster as of April 15th. Your invoice will be adjusted at this time to account for your 20 prepaid golfers and a list of active members will be sent to your club.
- Clubs with more than 20 golfers will be billed for each additional golfer.
July 15 – Individual Membership Billing #2
- The IGA will invoice each club per golfer added/activated since billing period #1. (Less any prepaid memberships that may apply)
- November 14 – Final day of posting scores made in the IGA region in 2025. While golfers can’t post scores made in the IGA region from mid-November through March, they can and should be posting scores made on courses in active areas during this time.
November 15 – Individual Membership Billing #3
- The IGA will invoice each club per golfer added/activated since billing period #2. (Less any prepaid memberships that may apply)