Iowa Golf Association FOUNDATION
To promote golf and its life-enhancing values with an emphasis on teaching, preserving and protecting the history and traditions of the game in Iowa.
The IGA Foundation Legacy Club is a way for us to honor those people who have included the IGA Foundation in their estate plans. It is an opportunity for those who have gained so much from the game of golf during their lives to give back in a very unique and personal way.
The Corporation is organized and operated for charitable, scientific, literary and educational purposes and for the transaction of any and all lawful business for which corporations may be organized under the Revised Iowa Nonprofit Corporation Act.
The purposes for which the Corporation is formed shall include, but is not limited to:
- To promote and advance the game of golf in Iowa as an amateur sport.
- To develop and disseminate information to the public concerning the game of golf as an amateur and recreational sport.
- To develop, maintain, and operate a museum, library, and hall of fame devoted to golf in Iowa, which will provide the public with an opportunity to better understand the history and development of the game of golf in the state and the people associated with it.
- To offer golf instruction to youth, with an emphasis on disadvantaged youth.
- To promote golf and its values, particularly to youth and families.
- To offer and administer scholarship programs.
- To perform and support scientific research concerning golf and golf related subjects including turfgrass, environmental practices and impact, and to make available to the public the results of such research.
- To solicit and receive gifts, bequests, donations, contributions, and conveyances of real estate, stocks, securities, commodities, monies, property, and other gifts in furtherance of the purposes set forth.
Meet our Foundation Board of Directors

Steve Jermier (President)
Echo Valley CC

Charles Taylor (Vice President)
Echo Valley CC

Andy Burton (Treasurer)
Tournament Club of Iowa

Mark Gambaiana (Secretary)
Echo Valley CC

Leighann LaRocca
Des Moines Golf & CC

Michelle Klein
Waterloo Women's Golf Association

Mike Purcell
Veenker Memorial GC

Tom Christensen - Advisory Director
Sunnyside CC

Leroy Oxley - Advisory Director
Lake Panorama GC