Urbandale | Inducted 2017 | Category: Superintendent

John Ausen’s illustrious career as a golf course superintendent began and ended in the state of Iowa. Originally from Rockford, Ausen’s career would take him from famed Firestone Country Club, in Akron, Ohio, to Quincy Country Club in Ilinois, then to Field Club of Omaha in Nebraska before coming to Hyperion Field Club in Johnston, beginning in 1983. He was there for 32 years before retiring.
During his time at Hyperion, Ausen would become quite established in the Iowa turf community. In those early days at Hyperion many regulatory issues faced his profession. Ausen would jump in with both feet and fought hard for the causes most important to superintendents including, but not limited to, water rights for golf courses and legislation that limits the rights of individual municipalities to regulate pesticides. Ausen also spent several years beginning in the late 1990s educating the Iowa DNR about golf course water use. His efforts helped many at the Iowa DNR understand the economics of golf course irrigation as well as the importance of water recharge when used to irrigate turfgrass.
In addition to his industry work, Ausen has also been involved in the Hickory Golf Association in promoting the game.
“John has been a role model for many in his personal life,” Rick Tegtmeier, CGCS MG, Director of Grounds, Des Moines Golf & Country Club said. “It has been an honor growing up in his shadow. More importantly for me, it has been an honor trying to be a golf course superintendent like John Ausen.”
Career Highlights
Ausen has also donated his time to several positions and boards including:
- 1987-1994 Iowa GCSA ‘Reporter’ newsletter Editor
- 1985-2009 Iowa Alliance for Environmental Concerns (IaAEC) Board of Directors
- 2001 Iowa GCSA Vice President • 2002 Iowa GCSA President
- 1999-2003, 2011-2013 Iowa GCSA Board of Directors Additional accomplishments for Ausen include:
- 1985, 1990, 1994 Iowa GCSA Distinguished Service Award (only three-time winner dating back to 1962 records)
- 1994 Iowa GCSA Superintendent of the Year Award
- 1988 Iowa GCSA Calhoun Writing Award
- 2001 Iowa Turfgrass Institute Meritorious Service Award
- 2015 IGA 18-hole Superintendent of the Year