The Partners Program is the annual campaign to raise funds for the many causes of the IGA Foundation (IGAF). The IGAF is an IRS approved 501(c)3 public charity and therefore all gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible.
The Partners Program online signup is available – Click here
2025 Partners Program Brochure
Click here to view
- Digital access of IGA Yearbook
- Satisfaction of supporting the game of golf in Iowa
Receives everything a PAR Partners receives plus:
- IGA logo shirt
- IGA logo hat
- Recognition in IGA Publications distributed throughout the year
Receives everything a BIRDIE Partner receives plus:
- IGAF logo’d item TBD
Receives everything an EAGLE Partner receives plus:
- IGAF logo’d item TBD
Receives everything a DOUBLE EAGLE Partner receives plus:
- Special IGAF logo’d item TBD
Receives everything a BENEFACTOR Partner receives plus:
- Additional Special IGAF logo’d item or gift TBD
- 2 IGA hats
- 2 IGA logo shirt
- Recognition in IGA Publications distributed throughout the year
Receives everything the COUPLES – BIRDIE Partner receives plus:
- 2 IGAF logo’d items TBD
Receives everything a COUPLES – EAGLE Partner receives plus:
- 2 IGAF logo’d items TBD
Receives everything a COUPLES – DOUBLE EAGLE Partner receives plus:
- 2 Special IGAF logo’d items TBD
Receives everything a COUPLES – BENEFACTOR Partner receives plus:
- 2 Additional Special IGAF logo’d items or gift TBD
The Partners Program is the annual giving campaign to raise funds for the IGA Foundation. This program helps us raise unrestricted funds that ultimately support all of our causes.
For more than a decade golfers from all parts of Iowa have supported the Iowa Golf Association through their participation in the Partners Program. The IGA Foundation (IGAF) is an IRS approved 501(c)3 public charity and therefore all gifts to the Foundation are tax deductible. This means a portion of your donation (or all if you choose not to receive the fulfillment items) is tax deductible.
Your contribution through the Partners Program will enable the Foundation to continue the work of preserving the game and its history and to develop more programs to protect and promote the future of the game in Iowa. Specifically your participation help’s to support our initiatives for Junior Golf & Player Development, the Iowa Golf Hall of Fame as well as underwriting support for the Scholarship Funds and the ISU Turfgrass Extension Service.
You can join at one of various levels (Par, Birdie, Eagle, etc), depending on your desires. You can see the various levels, their donation requirements and their associated gifts elsewhere on this page.
We hope you will strongly consider becoming an IGA Partner this year. Your contribution helps in more ways than you could ever imagine.