Youth on Course Memberships are now available - click the green button at the top right to sign up!


Youth on Course was started in 2006 by the Northern California Golf Association.  At its most basic level, it is a program that subsidizes rounds of golf for juniors at participating courses.  It has become very popular and, in 2014, the NCGA began expanding the program to other states and regions, spreading essentially from west to east.  In 2018 Iowa became the 21st state to offer Youth on Course.  It has now extended to all 50 states.

The concept is this: A junior boy or girl age 6 to 18 can join Youth on Course for a $30 yearly fee.  That gets them access to any participating Youth on Course facility (there are nearly 2,000 nationally) to play a round of golf for $5 or less.  Then the participating course receives an additional subsidy ($) for that round.  Participating courses can put restrictions on days and times when the YOC rates are available, making it an opportunity to help grow future golfers plus drive additional business during non-peak hours.

Youth on Course is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides youth with access to life-changing opportunities through golf. Private funding makes it possible for members to have access to play for $5 or less through subsidies to thousands of courses throughout the United States, Canada and Australia.

Members have the opportunity to succeed through Youth on Course programs: DRIVE Club, Careers on Course, Leadership Council and College Scholarships. In addition, Youth on Course has an Alumni Network which extends membership to those 19 and older. This elevated membership offers opportunities for young adults to connect at complementary events, access exclusive deals, find jobs, and much more.


Let’s get signed up for $5 golf!

  1. Click on this link to sign up and pay the $30 annual fee. If you are a member of The First Tee Central Iowa, or the Iowa PGA Junior Tour, please select that as your “club” to join. If you are not a member of any of those organizations, please select Youth on Course – Iowa as your “club” to join.
  2. Complete the online LIFE/COURSE CURRICULUM to activate your membership (CLICK HERE). The online course should take 15-20 minutes to complete.

That’s it!  Usually within a few minutes you will receive your Youth on Course membership number and a link to a temporary membership card.

Click here to download the official Youth on Course Member App (available 24 hours after you have signed up for Youth on Course). The app is free and you can simply register using your name and membership number. You will then be able to show your Membership Card, within the app, when you go play a round of golf at a participating facility to receive golf for $5 or less.


click to see a list of participating courses in Iowa and their restrictions.


click to see a list of courses around the nation that offer Youth on Course golf for $5 or less


If you know of a facility that would like to become a participating course and offer golf to juniors for $5 or less, please let us know! Please contact Chad Pitts at or call (515) 207-1062.  You can also simply print and fill out the club enrollment form here.  Then just send back to the IGA Office.

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