IGA names Volunteer of the Year after Sean Flanders
The Iowa Golf Association is privileged to announce that the Volunteer of the Year Award has been named after Sean Flanders (pictured on the right with IGA Executive Director Chad Pitts). The annual award is selected each year by the IGA staff.
Click here to view a video of the presentation
Flanders has volunteered his time and efforts at the IGA championships and qualifiers for about past five years. During the competition season, Flanders feels almost like a member of the staff. Most of the time, he arrives at the course before staff. He not only helps out on the competition days, but he now spends a great deal of time helping prep in the days leading up to the events – this means painting hazards, Ground Under Repair, selecting hole locations and all the other stuff that goes into championship preparation. It’s not an exaggeration to say it has been hundreds of hours of volunteer service to the IGA over the past few years.
Flanders, who won this award twice in those five years, has had his name come up during discussions about who should win each year. IGA staff ultimately made the decision to honor Flanders, much to his surprise, by naming the award after him at the December 14, IGA Annual Awards and Player of the Year Banquet.

IGA Executive Director Chad Pitts (left) announces to the audience that the IGA Volunteer of the Year will be named after Sean Flanders (right).

IGA Executive Director Chad Pitts (left) and Sean Flanders share a laugh during the presentation.

Sean Flanders accepts a plaque signifying the IGA Volunteer of the Year will named in his honor.